We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world •

성장형 리더십

(Growth Mindset Leadership) 

성장형 리더로서의 모습으로 발전시키기 위해

마인드셋 변화를 학습하고 체화하는 프로그램입니다.

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※ 본 프로그램은 고객사 맞춤 설계가 가능합니다.

이런 분들께 추천합니다.

• 조직변화를 리드하는 조직의 경영진 및 리더

• 조직의 운영과 구성원의 성과를 관리하는 관리자

• 성장 마인드셋 조직 문화 구축을 위하여 전 구성원 특강 또는 워크숍

이런 내용으로 구성됩니다.

• 빠른 변화에 민첩한 대응을 위한 성장형 리더십

• 성장형 리더십이 조직의 발전에 미치는 원리와 영향

• 성장형 조직을 만들기 위한 조직 시스템 및 환경

• 성장형 리더의 모습 발견과 적용