We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world • We will guide you through a wonderful lecture where you can share your expertise with the world •


조직에서 코칭은
언제 필요한가요?

  새로운 역할이나 직무에 적응해야 할 때

  조직이나 업무 환경에 변화가 있을 때

  리더로서 자신의 업무 성과를

     향상시키고 싶을 때

➍  자기인식을 통해 더 나은 성장

     하고 싶을 때

➎  팀의 협업과 성과를 향상시키고 싶을 때


➊  코칭 주제/시간/예산 등을

     고려하여 맞춤 설계가 가능합니다.

  코칭 한 세션은 60분 기준입니다.

  코칭 비용과 코치 프로필은

     ‘교육문의’ 남겨주시면 공유 드립니다.

➍  한 사이클을 5회기로 추천하며

     조율이 가능합니다.

  개인 라이프 코칭은 전화로 문의해주세요.


조직에서 코칭은
언제 필요한가요?

  새로운 역할이나 직무에 적응해야 할 때

  조직이나 업무 환경에 변화가 있을 때

  리더로서 자신의 업무 성과를 향상시키고 싶을 때

➍  자기인식을 통해 더 나은 성장을 하고 싶을 때

➎  팀의 협업과 성과를 향상시키고 싶을 때

운영 되나요?

➊  코칭 주제/시간/예산 등을 고려하여 맞춤 설계가 가능합니다.

  코칭 한 세션은 60분 기준입니다.

  코칭 비용과 코치 프로필은 ‘교육문의’ 남겨주시면 공유 드립니다.

➍  한 사이클을 5회기로 추천하며 조율이 가능합니다.

  개인 라이프 코칭은 전화로 문의해주세요.


대표자 ㅣ 장경은

서비스센터전화번호 ㅣ 010.8693.8129


주소 ㅣ 서울특별시 강남구 영동대로 602 6층 g83호

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대표자 ㅣ 장경은      서비스센터전화번호 ㅣ 010.8693.8129

이메일dogood.jk@gmail.com      주소 ㅣ 서울특별시 강남구 영동대로 602 6층 g83호

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